But over the past few years, the EMBA has become a premium brand in its own right, largely due to the way it has been promoted by business schools. 但是,在过去几年间,EMBA本身已经成为一个溢价品牌,这主要得益于商学院推广这一品牌的方式。
Your first premium is now due. 你的第一期保险费现已到期。
If policy holder cheats to obtain premium, due to the malice, the insurance contract signed will be of no effect. 凡是投保人出于恶意。以骗取保险金为目的订立的保险合同无效。
I authorise Aviva Life Insurance Company Limited to charge the premium due to my credit card account. 本人现授权英杰华人寿保险有限公司于本人信用卡账户中扣除应缴之保费。
Dispatchment of the equipment, transportation charges and insurance premium are due to the buyer. 买方负责设备发运,运输费用保险费。